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Trócaire Lecture 2013 – Br Philip Pinto cfc

07 March, 2013

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Br Philip Pinto cfc

Brother Philip Pinto cfc  is the Congregational Leader of the Christian Brothers.  A truly inspiring speaker, he is well-known internationally for leading retreats and delivering keynote addresses.  Born and raised in New Delhi, he blends within himself the best wisdom of the east and the west.

Who is my neighbour? Building a ‘civilisation of love’ in an unequal world

This lecture was recorded in St Patrick’s College Maynooth on 5th March 2013.

Trócaire – 40th Anniversary

This year Trócaire reflects on 40 years of groundbreaking work with the poorest and most vulnerable people in the developing world. Without the support of the Irish people, this work would simply not have been possible.

Trócaire tackles  the root causes of poverty, addressing issues such as of food security, human rights, gender equality and HIV. It works with local partner organisations that understand the challenges faced by communities in the hardest hit regions of the world. And it strives to educate and inform the Irish public on issues of global justice.

Your generosity has had a positive impact on the lives of thousands. We invite you to join us in celebrating our rich and unique history, as well as on the journey ahead.

For more information – www.trocaire.org/forty

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