“We must be under no illusions – sex trafficking is happening in every city, town and village across the country, and it is overwhelmingly women and girls who are sacrificed to fill the demand for sexual gratification from so-called ‘sex buyers’,” said Ruhama CEO Barbara Condon.
Millions of Yemeni people can’t afford food, water, medicines and other basic essentials, and are now reliant on the support of international organisations like Trócaire.
The theme of the visit is “Make me a channel of your peace”, which reflects the urgent need in the region to pursue peaceful coexistence.
The report states that every single day Christians suffer persecution for their faith – many of them are left with no choice but to flee for their lives.
Longford native Seamus O’Rourke (56) will be ordained for the Diocese of Ardagh & Clonmacnois by Bishop Francis Duffy.
The conflict in Syria could come to an end much more quickly if the US would pressure its allies to stop aiding extremist groups: Archbishop Jean-Clement Jeanbart of Aleppo.
Coptic Orthodox church may be first church since the arrival of Islam.