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Pope Francis: the courage of children of God

We are sons of God thanks to Jesus: no one can take away this “identity card.” That was Pope Francis’ message during Mass on Thursday at the Casa Santa Marta.

The Pope’s homily centred on the Gospel of the healing of a paralytic. In the beginning of the day’s Gospel, Jesus [...]


Vatican finances presented to Economic Council of Cardinals

On Tuesday Wednesday (July 2 and 3rd), the meeting of the Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organisational and Economic Problems of the Holy See took place in Vatican City, presided over by Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone . Particularly noteworthy was the visit on Wednesday 3 by [...]


Six thousand young people bear witness to their vocation

This morning (1st July) in the Holy See Press Office a presentation was given for the “Great Event of the Year of Faith, a Day for seminarians, novices, and all those who have taken the path of vocation”. The participants were Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president [...]


Pope Francis: We encounter the Living God through His wounds

To meet the living God we must tenderly kiss the wounds of Jesus in our hungry, poor, sick, imprisoned brothers and sisters. Study, meditation and mortification are not enough to bring us to encounter the living Christ. Like St. Thomas, our life will only be changed when we touch Christ’s [...]


Pope Francis: Courage in spite of our weaknesses

Christians are called to be courageous in their weakness. We must recognize that we are weak and that, at times, we have to flee from sin without nostalgia, without looking back. We must not let temptation or fear keep us from God. Instead we must learn that ‘he who fights [...]


Vatican Bank – Director and deputy resign

President Ernst von Freyberg to assume General Director duties ad interim – IOR-Directorate offers resignations – Promontory seconding top level executives to fill the roles of Deputy Director and Chief Risk Officer

Vatican/Holy See 1. July 2013 – IOR-Director Comm. Paolo Cipriani and Deputy Director Dott. Massimo Tulli have offered their [...]


Pope speaks about importance of conscience

Pope Francis prayed the Angelus on Sunday with faithful gathered in St Peter’s Square. In remarks before the traditional prayer of Marian devotion, the Holy Father spoke of the conscience as the interior space in which we can listen to and hear the truth, the good, the voice of God.

Pope [...]


Dialogue doesn’t distance us from truth – Pope

“Your presence is the sign of the profound bond that unites the Church of Constantinople with the Church of Rome in faith, in hope, and in charity,” Pope Francis said this morning on receiving the delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarch, which had arrived in Rome to celebrate the [...]


Pope Francis: the Mystery of God’s patience

The Lord asks us to be patient, after all He is always patient with us. Moreover there is no “set protocol” for how God intervenes in our lives; sometimes it’s immediate, sometimes we just have to have a little patience.

This was the lesson drawn by Pope Francis from the daily [...]


Archbishop launches ‘Rio in Dublin’ ahead of WYD

World Youth Day is one of the most extraordinary experiences a young person can have Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin has said.

Speaking at the launch of a specially organised Dublin youth faith festival which will coincide with WYD2013 in Brazil at the end of July, the Archbishop said one of [...]


Pope Francis: The joy of fatherhood

The desire to be a father is ingrained in all men, even priests, who are called to give life, care, protection to their spiritual children entrusted to them. This was the focus of Pope Francis homily at morning Mass Wednesday, in the chapel of Casa Santa Marta. Mass was concelebrated [...]


Vatican mourns killing of monk in Syria

The Vatican’s Congregation for Eastern Churches is mourning the brutal murder of Fr Franҫois Mourad, a Syrian monk. In a statement issued Tuesday the Prefect Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, expresses “the deepest condolences to the Syro-Catholic Church, with the Patriarch SB Ignace Youssef III Younan, the Custody of the Holy Land [...]


Pope Francis: no one is Christian by chance

Being Christian is a response to the voice of love, to a call to become children of God. This was the central theme of Pope Francis’ remarks at Mass on Tuesday morning in the chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae residence in the Vatican. The Holy Father also spoke of [...]


Pope Francis: Christians cannot be anti-Semitic

Pope Francis says due to “our common roots” with the Jewish people, “a Christian cannot be anti-Semitic!”

The Pope was speaking to a 30 strong delegation from the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC) who gathered in the Apostolic Palace’s Hall of the Popes for a private audience Monday. The [...]


Pope: John the Baptist a model for the Church

The church exists for courageously proclaiming -until martyrdom- Christ, to serve and “take nothing for herself”. In his homily at morning Mass on Monday, Pope Francis pointed to St. John the Baptist as model for Church: he didn’t claim the Truth, the Word as his own; he diminished himself so [...]


Pope: Those who serve the truth serve Christ

On a hot sunny day in Rome, Pope Francis greeted thousands of pilgrims and tourists from the window of the Papal apartments above St Peter’s Square who had come to hear the recitation of the Sunday Angelus.

Reflecting on Sunday’s Gospel the Pope recalled some of the most incisive words that [...]


Pope: Respond to Jesus from the heart

This morning, Pope Francis celebrated mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae. About 40 apostolic nuncios, who remained in the Vatican after the Pope’s meeting with them on Friday, were present. Commenting on the Sunday Gospel from Luke, in which Jesus asks the Apostles, “But who do you say that I [...]


Pope Francis recalls Paul VI

Pope Francis greeted a group of pilgrims from the Diocese of Brescia, who had just celebrated Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica to mark the 50th anniversary of the election of Pope Paul VI, who was from the area.

In his address, Pope Francis spoke of his predecessor’s love for Christ, love [...]


Pope Francis: serve the Word of God and not the idolatry of riches and wordly cares

The riches and the cares of the world “choke the Word of God,” said Pope Francis at Mass this morning at the Casa Santa Marta. The Pope pointed out that our life is set on three pillars: election, covenant, and promise, adding that we must trust the Father in living [...]


First Irish symposium on Ratzinger’s theology

The first ever symposium on Joseph Ratzinger’s theology to be held in Ireland took place in Maynooth this weekend and brought together former students of the pope emeritus as well as speakers from Ireland, Poland and Germany.

‘The Dynamism of Ratzinger’s Theology’ was held at the Divine Word Missionaries’ house in Co [...]


Pope Francis to Nuncios: Be Pastors who carry Christ to the world

Never forget you are “Pastors”, who “carry Christ to the world”, detached from the “bourgeoisie spirit and life” of those who pursue only worldly goods and which “risk ridiculing the holy mission” of Papal Representatives.

This was Pope Francis message to the hundreds of Papal Representatives, also known as Apostolic Nuncios, [...]


How to pray the Our Father – Pope Francis

To pray the Our Father we have to have a heart at peace with our brothers. We don’t pray “my Father,” but “our Father,” because “we are not an only child, none of us are”. This was the focus of Pope Francis’ homily at Mass Thursday morning in Casa Santa [...]


Pope tells Mid East Christians: Never lose hope

Pope Francis on Thursday met with the “Reunion of Aid Agencies for the Oriental Churches” – ROACO – today at the conclusion of the group’s 86th Plenary Assembly.

The ROACO is a committee which unites funding agencies from various countries around the world for the sake of providing assistance in different [...]


Pope Francis adds St Joseph to Eucharistic prayers

In the first decree of a liturgical nature of this pontificate, Pope Francis has decided that St Joseph should be added to the Eucharistic Prayers II, II and IV, as they appear in the third typical edition of the Roman Missal, after the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Below please [...]


Children’s train arrives in Vatican

A press conference was held his morning in the Holy See Press Office to present the initiative “Children’s Train: A Journey through Beauty”. Participating in the presentation were Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, and Mr. Mauro Moretti, delegate administrator of the Italian Railway [...]


Pope Francis opens Rome Diocese annual convention

Pope Francis received the participants in the pastoral convention of the Rome diocese on Monday evening, at the opening of the event. In recent years, the annual meeting between the bishop of Rome and the leaders of pastoral, catechetical and outreach initiatives in the city has taken place in the [...]


Pope Francis: Jesus is the secret of a Christian’s benevolence

For a Christian, Jesus is “all”, and this is the source of his or her benevolence.

This was the focus of Pope Francis’s message during Mass on Monday morning at the Domus Sanctae Marthae. The Pope also affirmed that the righteousness of Jesus exceeds the righteousness of the scribes, that it [...]


Pope Francis to G8: Money, politics and economics must serve, not rule

Money, politics and economics must serve, not rule. They must serve people and promote an ethics of truth. This was the thread running through Pope Francis Letter to the British Prime Minister on the eve of the G8 Summit.

The Holy Father’s Letter was in response to one sent by David [...]


Pope Francis: say yes to life, not death

“Let us say ‘Yes’ to life and not death.” These were the words of Pope Francis during his homily on Sunday morning for Evangelium Vitae Day, a day celebrating the Gospel of Life.

An estimated 200,000 people were in Saint Peter’s Square for Holy Mass and the Angelus that followed with [...]


Pope Francis: The Christian life proclaims the road to reconcilation with God

Christian life is not a spa therapy “to be at peace until Heaven,” but it calls us to go out into the world to proclaim that Jesus “became the sinner” to reconcile men with the Father. These were Pope Francis’ words during his homily at Mass Saturday at the Casa [...]

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