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Giving to good causes – at no extra cost

David Gaffney SJ proposes many ways in which we can de-clutter our own lives and assist people in need at no extra cost to ourselves.


Love life

This month the Pope asks us to pray “that in the face of a spreading culture of violence the Church may promote with courage the culture of life. Fr Kevin O’Higgins SJ explains.


Violence towards women and children

Fr. Seamus Enright, in a 1997 sermon during Limerick’s Solemn Novena in honour of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, preached on violence towards women and children.


For God’s sake

Theology student and rugby international Andrew Trimble is admired as much for his brilliance on the rugby pitch as for his courage in talking about his committed Christian faith. Writer John Scally learns that there is no room for tokenism in the dashing world of Ulster’s finest.


Sin – surveying the scene

Moral theologian, Bill Cosgrave, gives some of the views from mainstream theology on the nature of sin in Christian belief.


Only a bit of fun?

My friends at work are going to see a fortune-teller. They want me to come along but I’m a bit afraid of what I might find out. I don’t want to lose face and tell them that I’m scared. They say its a bit of fun and maybe it is. [...]


Fools for Christ’s sake

Kevin Seasolts OSB traces the significance of the clown or the fool in Christian spiritual and cultural perspectives. Invoking the visions of such artists as Fellini, Rouault and Picasso, he reminds us that the only way to climb the ladder of holiness is to climb down the ladder of humility.


Fame and the media

We’re living in a cynical age, writes Sean O’Conaill, one in which the media offer people instant celebrity substitutes for the leaders of the world who no longer command respect. This is a dangerous power.


Educated young adults: gift and challenge

Seamus Claffey, who writes on pastoral issues and assists groups in the matter of organisational development, reflects here on a survey of the experience, attitudes and values of educated young adults in Ireland.


A matter of conscience

Edmond Grace SJ answers a query from a concerned parent about her son who rejects the right of the Church to guide his life.


Global aspirations and the reality of change

Edited by Harry Bohan and Gerard Kennedy, this book examines the issues which arise from the speed of change in our world and argues that this necessitates another kind of change, both at a global and at a local level.


Social snobbery and the gospels

‘Status anxiety’, argues Sean O’Conaill, is far from the spirit of the gospels and from Jesus’ own low birth and preference for poverty.


Between poetry and politics

Linda Hogan and Barbara FitzGerald edit this collection of essays to celebrate the contribution of Enda McDonagh to the field of theological ethics.


Reaching out to the world: Gaudium et spes

Michael Paul Gallagher SJ reflects on one of the most important documents of recent Church history, ‘Gaudium et Spes’, an expression of the changed climate in the Church during the years of Vatican II.


Is the future my responsibility?

Harry Bohan and Gerard Kennedy edit this selection of essays which give pointers as to how we can meet with responsibility the challenges of a changing world and discover a spirituality adequate to this purpose.


The gluttony of busy people

Are we trying to “gobble up” as many experiences as we can? Why are we always hurrying? Ronald Rolheiser explores the saying that “hurry is a form of violence exercised upon time”.

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