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Sunday Mass Obligation in current weather situation

By Sean O'Donnell - 03 March, 2018


The Archdiocese of Dublin has issued the following statement:

Where weather conditions make it unsafe or where road conditions make it dangerous, imprudent or difficult, there is no obligation to attend Sunday Mass this weekend.

When people are unable to attend Mass it is recommended that they view or listen to the Mass on-line, on television or radio or that they spend a time in prayer as individuals or as a family.

Where serious conditions of access or safety arise regarding a Church building, the Parish Priest or Rector may decide that a Church may remain closed even on Sunday.


You can join in with parishes across Ireland and Britain as they celebrate Mass this weekend by going to https://www.churchservices.tv/   From the menu, select Schedule, so that you can choose which parish you want to pray with.

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