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Advent Moments: Week 4, Wed, Christmas Eve

24 December, 2014

Xmas eve

Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Advent
Christmas Eve: 24-12-14

beautiful moment Gospel: Luke 1: 79

By the tender mercy of our God,
the dawn from on high will break upon us,
to give light to those who sit in darkness
and in the shadow of death

Reflection:    In the shadow of death

Millions live literally in the shadow of death in war-torn countries.
In a free world we sometimes realise how great it is
to be able to walk the streets without fear of explosions,
to vote freely in elections, and
to live with control over our lives.
We appreciate that our children are not enrolled as child-soldiers and can complete their education.

Baby Jesus and crossJesus’ first weeks were lived in this shadow, as Herod wanted to kill him.
He shares the worst of life that he might show us the best.
The first message of his life is ‘Peace on earth’.
It is good always to hope for this and to pray for it,
and co-operate in whatever way we can in the work of peace.
Peacemakers are the privileged ones of God’s family.


Jesus brings us hope and lightLead us
from despair to hope,
from hate to love,
from war to peace

Please offer a prayer today
for those who  work

for/with  the poorest of the poor ,
for world peace/justice,
for human dignity/rights
for missionaries sharing the faith



And don’t forget this is the Holy Night

May all the blessings of this night be upon you remain with you forever

May all the blessings of this night and season be upon you and remain with you forever. Amen, Alleluia


The site finishes tonight but, for your continued devotion it will remain in place
until the Christmas season itself in nearly ended.

We hope that you found this Advent site helpful and uplifting.
Thank you for visiting with us.

Our thanks go especially to Donal Neary SJ
for the use/adaptation  of the text of his booklet,
Praying in Advent’.

Columba Press

Our thanks  is also due to all those who helped, were quoted, or whose pictures
we used in the developement of this site
and particularly  to
Oliver Tormay, our operations manager.
