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LENT, Week 4, Thursday

05 March, 2015

– Thursday of the fourth week in Lent –

Jn 5:43

I have come in the name of my Father
and you refuse to accept me.


Reflection for the Day
To say ‘In the name of God, Father of us all’
is to say ‘in the name of justice, equality, compassion and love’.
Maybe that is why Jesus is rejected.
The word of God,
the Word made Flesh,
always challenges us in our our comfort zone.
The events of Holy Week will challenge our beliefs
in the goodness of humanity and in the care of God.
Our questions to the Jesus of Holy Week is
‘how can men and women be like this?’ and
‘how can God be so powerless?’

We ask these questions in every incident of war,
at every time people are oppressed and abused by each other.
And we have little answer, except the life of Jesus, and
that he entered into our suffering and death,
and was raised from death. Is that not enough?

Prayer for the week
In you, Jesus, Lord of all, our hope is sure and eternal. In your death is the promise of life, in your suffering is the faithfulness of God. Keep us safe in times of trouble, keep us caring for others in trouble; and when we care for each other, may we know you, Lord of life, friend of all, now and forever. Amen.

Action for the Week
Think and speak kindly of people this week – especially of those we don’t like.